Students from med schools across the nation use AMBOSS daily — and love it! Find out why, below

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AMBOSS has truly revolutionized the way I approach medical education. As a medical student, its comprehensive platform offered me a wealth of resources, from detailed explanations to interactive Qbank questions that honed my understanding of complex topics. The clear and concise nature of the content, coupled with intuitive tools like their library and personalized study plans, made learning more efficient and enjoyable. Highly recommend it to anyone in the medical field!

Raegan Boothe
Kansas Health Science Center – Kansas College of Osteopathic Medicine (KHSC-KansasCOM)

Graduation Year:  


AMBOSS has completely changed the way I tackle my medical school education. Since my school creates there own material for exams, I am always worried about information falling through the cracks. I also want to be prepared for board exams. AMBOSS allows me to access high yield information that is easy to read and understand. With the helpful graphics, I am able to conceptualize material and focus on the big picture which sometimes gets lost. I enjoy having the mobile app, so whenever I am curious about a certain topic I can look it up and know that the information I am reading is from a credible source.

Sneh Shah
Penn State College of Medicine

Graduation Year:  


I am half way through year 1 as a medical student and the AMBOSS features such as the knowledge base, question bank, and 3D anatomy have been extremely beneficial in both learning material but also staying up to date on the latest information related to my studies. My favorite portion of the app/website has been the question bank. The features like the attending tip, what to highlight in the question, and explanations of right and wrong answers has been such a great resource in bridging gaps in knowledge or simply getting through the steps of not just discovering what the respective condition is but also the ways to get there through diagnostics and then moving one step further into treatment. I'm excited for the upcoming years utilizing this great resource.

Jacob Gravett
Meharry Medical College School of Medicine

Graduation Year:  


Hi! My name is Ann Dickey. Currently, I am a third year medical student at LECOM in Bradenton, Florida. Beginning third year can be overwhelming. I was unsure of how to study for shelf exams or what resources would best help me transition from my preclinical to clinical years. As third year medical students, we are encourage to complete as many practice questions as possible, therefore, I sought AMBOSS as a study platform to help me prepare for both shelf exams and Step 2.So far, I have used AMBOSS to help me study for both my psychiatry and family medicine shelf exams. The breadth of topics covered in the question banks have truly helped me better prepare me for these tests. I can attest to the benefits of using AMBOSS' to excel on standardized exams. Additionally, the clinical articles provided on AMBOSS medical knowledge platform have helped me provide better patient care as a third year medical student on clinical rotations. I am so grateful to have access to an extensive medical library of information provided through both AMBOSS question banks and clinical articles.

Ann Dickey
Lake Erie College of Osteopathic Medicine - LECOM Bradenton

Graduation Year:  


Since day one of medical school, Amboss has been an invaluable resource throughout my first semester. The platform consistently exceeds my expectations and presents relevant information in a clear and concise manner. This information is not only pertinent to my daily in-house learning but also enables me to process the material in a clinically relevant manner, preparing me for the challenges ahead.The Amboss question banks are, without a doubt, one of the most impressive aspects. The questions align with the material we cover in class but elevate my understanding to the next level, which will undoubtedly pay off when it comes time for board exams.The Anki add-on seamlessly enhances my studying, allowing for a deeper dive into material I may have missed, while saving a tremendous amount of time that would otherwise be spent searching for information elsewhere. This leads to greater efficiency and the confidence that the information I am studying comes from a trusted and reputable source.I am excited to witness the power of Amboss as I continue my medical school journey!

Tal Chamdi
Central Michigan University College of Medicine (CMED)

Graduation Year:  


Amboss is a total game changer. The quality of the question bank is amazing. The questions are challenging and have amazing explanations. Everything circles back to their amazing knowledge library where you can easily lookup anything on everything. It’s truly the best overall resource on the market.

Jared Hensley
University of Texas Rio Grande Valley School of Medicine

Graduation Year:  


I am in LOVE with this service! So much easy to access information for our NBME style test prep. I am grateful for this oppourtunity to share this resource with my school and I am grateful that you all have given me the chance elevate other students' learning experience.

Albert Sarpong
Fertitta Family College of Medicine

Graduation Year:  


AMBOSS is phenomenal. It is my primary study resource for medical school. All the information is there. It is succinct, digestible, and usually accompanied by graphics that make the point clear. I love that I can share graphics from AMBOSS to my class. A large part of our curriculum is through PBL. In our PBL groups, we give short lectures on specific topics. AMBOSS makes preparing for those lectures a breeze -- and most of the graphics are already made.

Justin Pallo
University of Utah School of Medicine

Graduation Year:  


Starting to learn medicine requires you to learn many different languages that are used to study the human body. AMBOSS was one of the first resources I heard of coming in, and all of the diagrams, descriptions, and organization of the material has seriously helped me get a solid foundation on information I will use in my career!

Parker Hilliard
Mercer University School of Medicine

Graduation Year:  


Amboss has been great for me! It's integration with ANKI and endless practice questions help me prepare for USMLE/COMLEX while simultaneously studying for school lectures! The visual aids and videos explains complicated topics help solidify abstract topics that medical school students face!

Daniel Lynch
A.T. Still University Kirksville College of Osteopathic Medicine

Graduation Year:  


Amboss is the foundation of my medical education. As a first year medical student, I am having a lot of information thrown at me all at once. Amboss organizes the info in a format I can understand and easily navigate. I am able to test myself through Step-like practice questions and always have interactive links in the material to help me better understand confusing concepts.

Grace VanGorder
Penn State College of Medicine

Graduation Year:  


Amboss has been an invaluable resource in my study routine. From the unique and complex Qbank questions, to the detailed high-yield articles, I see myself using Amboss till the end of my medical school career. I absolutely believe any medical student can greatly benefit from using this resource.

Jeannete Bouzo
Rowan-Virtua School of Osteopathic Medicine

Graduation Year:  


AMBOSS has been an incredible tool through the start to my medical school journey. It helped me so much with the intense difference between undergrad and medical school and I highly recommend amboss to every medical student!

Marc Frezza
Rowan-Virtua School of Osteopathic Medicine

Graduation Year:  


Amboss has been an incredible educational tool for my studies in medical school and during my time in the hospital! Having the Amboss knowledge app on my phone has allowed me to quickly look up different conditions and medications I wasn't sure about. Additionally, the Amboss clinical guides have been very helpful for studying for shelf exams as it curates articles on high yield topics in one convenient place and offers review questions to test the information. I've personally enjoyed using the Amboss library and question bank and can't recommend it enough!

Winston Lie
Harvard Medical School

Graduation Year:  


Amboss has been arguably the most critical resource I have been using to pass all of the NBME exams at CUSM, and studying for Step 1. My study routine for step consists around doing mixed qbank questions, and reviewing practically every detail of questions I get wrong and sometimes even some that I get right. Furthermore, I use Amboss to help me make my presentation slides for the weekly clinical case presentations we do at CUSM. I use Amboss whenever I want to look up any medical information or want to know the standard of care/treatment for pathologies. I almost forgot to mention the Amboss Anki feature! They way Amboss has integrated with Anki is ingenious, and has completely transformed studying with Anki. Overall, Amboss has been integrated and used in every aspect of my medical education.

Shervin Arjomand
California University of Science and Medicine

Graduation Year:  


AMBOSS has revolutionized my study resources for medical school to an all-in-one, comprehensive database. The platform is aesthetically pleasing, user-friendly, and top-notch quality. I cannot advocate for or recommend AMBOSS enough.

Grayson Kim
Ponce Health Sciences University School of Medicine

Graduation Year:  


AMBOSS has been a game changer so far for the pre-clinical phase of medical school. The Qbank has been a great tool to use around in-house exams and NBME practice exams, and the Knowledge App has been a fantastic resource when in need of highly relevant facts about the diagnostics, therapies, or pathophysiology of various diseases and disorders. But by far, my favorite feature of AMBOSS is the Anki add-on. It has streamlined the amount of time it takes me to review a card by now having the ability to research topics with a single pop-up window or direct link to the AMBOSS article. I recommend any medical student to check it out.

Emile Kuyl
George Washington University School of Medicine and Health Sciences

Graduation Year:  


AMBOSS is a very integrated platform that is helpful for 21st century learning! As someone who uses laptop, tablet and smartphone for all sorts of learning, I really value the ease of use across different devices, since not many other apps do the same thing. The UI/UX and ease of access through the libraries helps me use AMBOSS daily and effortlessly in any sort of learning situation, whether it be in classroom, hospital, while walking, or even at home in my bed. It almost acts like my second brain, because it is so easy to get a refresher on a disease or a medication when I want to quickly recall something.

Kyoko Kohno
Vanderbilt University School of Medicine

Graduation Year:  


Amboss has been a critical resource for solidifying medical concepts that I've learned in Foundations. Using Amboss, I've been able to integrate knowledge then practice applying it using their phenomenal question banks. The Amboss support team is always quick to respond and help with any questions I have. My university works with them to pull questions relevant to the material we are studying, which I appreciate. Also, the Amboss add-on for Anki is the best add-on out there!

Courtney Stage
University of Washington School of Medicine

Graduation Year:  


I LOVE using AMBOSS! The tools are easily accessible for students to use on multiple occasions and needs. The question banks have detailed and focused questions that target different areas of my needs, and the wrong answer analysis is very helpful for my greater understanding.

Priyal Shah
Rowan-Virtua School of Osteopathic Medicine

Graduation Year:  


I find Amboss to be one of the most well-rounded study resources out there. I can't think of any other resource where you get a database of articles, useful images with overlays and quizzes, a full question bank, premade study plans, and an interface with Anki. And, it doesn't stratify between Step 1 and Step 2 content, so you get access to material for both tests without having to pay extra!

Madelyn Hurwitz
University of Virginia

Graduation Year:  


AMBOSS has been so instrumental in my success in my systems classes- The questions plus explanation really help me focus my studying

Aliya Redd
University of Florida

Graduation Year:  


Amboss is one of my go-to resources. My school's curriculum is largely based on Self-Directed Learning, meaning we don't have a lot of lectures. Whenever I'm stuck on a particularly tricky topic, I pull up the Amboss article. The article itself is great, and the pictures and videos really help me to piece all the information together. The mobile app is also super helpful--while doing some clinical shadowing in my first and second year in pediatric surgery, I was able to pull up the articles for any procedures I saw and type my own notes in to remember what I was taught.

Emily Fahey
Southern Illinois University School of Medicine

Graduation Year:  


I was told to get Amboss by my tutor and I've loved it the second I got the unlimited Q bank. From my first month in medical school, I've used Amboss as one of my main study resources. It is my go to use for studying pathology and then using the question bank for that pathology to test my knowledge. The questions are challenging but they teach a lot. It is a wonderful resource that I've recommended to my classmates and to my little and other new medical students.

Anahit Stepanyan
Rowan-Virtua School of Osteopathic Medicine

Graduation Year:  


I used AMBOSS QBank to study for Step 1 and I highly recommend using the tab function to efficiently review concepts from the ground up. AMBOSS QBank targets the most common subjects that are tested on, and though I experienced a steep learning curve, it was extremely beneficial in building my ability to read questions and pick out the correct answer.

Irene Cho
Geisinger Commonwealth School of Medicine

Graduation Year: