I'm using AMBOSS and really like it. Quite comparable to UWorld in difficulty, but better interface, and easily and more thoroughly embeds more detailed information on subjects if desiring a deep-dive into subject (not just a small explanatory paragraph in the answer choice!). I've played around with about 10 different Qbanks so far, and it's easily in my top 3. Very worthwhile if you're a first year to complement studying and exam prep
I was looking for a more comprehensive reference source when I was in my preclinical studies. Many times I felt that Firstaid was not comprehensive enough, looking through books took too long, and googling was not giving me all the information I needed. I stumbled across Amboss online and used a free trial and loved it
The AMBOSS Platform has been a game changer in my medical education. I use this platform while watching live lectures, reviewing for exams, going through my Anki decks, and traveling on long plane rides when I have no Wi-Fi! Having the reference library readily available has provided structure and organization to the abundance of information I've encountered in my pre-clinical years.
Thanks once more for taking the time to drop by Touro to talk about AMBOSS today! A lot of my classmates and I were glad to learn more about AMBOSS and its amazing overlay. It's definitely something that we're interested in using in the future
I really have loved my account with Amboss - originally wasn't going to use it during dedicated Step 2 CK studying, but it's been such a vital resource to me all year that I've reconstructed my study schedule to include it.
I'm an MD-PhD student at Duke in my final year. I'm currently studying for Step 2CK and I found your resource. It's excellent both as a study and permanent knowledge repository. I can see myself using this long beyond Step 2CK. I have confidence in it because it uses trusted resources like UTD as the basis. I love the systematic organization scheme for each disease.
AMBOSS absolutely helped me for the neuro Shelf. It is by far the highest grade that I've gotten on the 5 shelf exams that I've taken so far in medical school.
The AMBOSS Qbank is awesome. I used it to study for my surgery subject board and I made one of the highest scores in the class.
Extremely helpful articles and questions throughout all of medical school (I have been using it since M1 year). It is helpful to brush up on topics when on rotation. I am now using it to refresh and learn about the specifics of management as I am getting ready to start residency!
AMBOSS is without a doubt the best resource for medical students. I recommend it to every single medical student I come across, it’s that good and it just keeps getting better.
For resources like this it is difficult to provide questions, in depth reading selections, and review tools like tables and graphs. AMBOSS not only meets those requirements but goes far above and beyond with the integration within the platform and many outside platforms!
Excellent and reliable resource that’s easy to understand both when I’m in the hospital or studying for step 2. Provides exactly the level of info I need, nothing more or less. Highlighting for key exam points also helps me weed out what is high and low yield.
Absolutely necessary. They are concise and complete in their descriptions, and their decision trees alone would be worth it.
AMBOSS is in my opinion the greatest resource for medical students! The questions are challenging and reflect board style but also link directly to the extensive library with images and slides all on the same page.
Love the way it’s set up! I’m a more interactive learner, and I like how many terms or topics are hyperlinked so I can read in-depth, high-yield info about each thing. It’s so easy to use and very customizable, which allows people of all learning styles to really grasp important content. AMBOSS has everything you need and more and has done a great job integrating other resources like Anki. It’s not just for students either – the clinician mode seems like a great tool for physicians, and the information is well researched and up to date. For me, doing practice questions have been a great way to prepare for shelf exams and Step. I’m currently in my 3rd year rotations, and I’ve noticed that my scores have been drastically improving since I started using AMBOSS. I wish I had started using it earlier!
AMBOSS is easy to use and encompasses a lot of information that is vital for succeeding in medical school and beyond. I use it every single day in my studies.
Fantastic articles and the ability to do questions after to reinforce understanding = 10/10.
Phenomenal resource for quick reviews and the practice questions are very useful.
Absolutely an amazing website. You get a phenomenal question bank and a resource that I use all the time during rotations. Also, AMBOSS has only gotten better over the years. I love that they have an Anki addon and continue to build their resources. I cannot wait to use it during residency this upcoming year!
As far as a comprehensive study source there is nothing better than AMBOSS. I wish I would have had this for my first 2 pre clinical years due to the easy access library to look things up as well as comprehensive lessons and questions that are tailored to your needs.
I am at my clerkship stage now and being able to look up info faster than my residents and attendings during rounds wins me a lot of brownie points. AMBOSS also provided comprehensive library with filterable info which I thought was perfect for different stages of training. I personally using the clinician mode and LOVE the dosage recommendations on there. I hope there will be more as AMBOSS continues to improve as I plan to use this after residency too!
Amboss is a unique approach to helping medical students/professionals prepare for their exams. It consolidates information in such a way that helps us to get the relevant informations without having to scroll through google’s lack of specificity. Furthermore, it helps to have access to a large question bank with immediate links to words or concepts we might have forgotten or not recognize which is a huge time save for me.
All the unique learning tools are awesome, the questions are great preparation and realistic to the USMLE questions. The website has a clean aesthetic and is easy to navigate. The library is super in depth, and extremely helpful for boards and clinical rotations.
I continue to use AMBOSS through medical school because the Qbanks are a great resource for exam prep. Not only do they help me identify knowledge gaps but they also have great explanations for why every answer is correct or not.
AMBOSS has been a vital resource that I have used through 3 years in medical school so far and I am planning on using it throughout 4th year. The question bank is challenging but I felt was also very helpful for me to prepare for step and shelf exams. It allowed me to quickly identify my own knowledge gaps and then fill them. Being able to quickly look up information before rounds and presenting helped me be prepared and feel confident throughout clerkships.