I was very impressed with the coverage of topics, question style and difficulty, and thoroughness of the explanations for each answer choice, with the learning cards already linked to each question. One of the biggest and unique highlights of the platform is the diagnostic image overlays and now, the smart-zoom microscopy. I have full confidence in the AMBOSS platform because walking out of the surgery shelf, I honestly felt like I just completed a set of AMBOSS questions, and I ended up scoring in the 97th percentile!
I just aced my pediatrics shelf exam, and this was the first time I almost exclusively used AMBOSS to study for a shelf (and the highest I have scored on a shelf by FAR) so the proof is in the pudding.
AMBOSS has proved to be an ESSENTIAL resource over the course of my medical school career on countless different occasions. I recently began my third year clerkships, and have found that the library and qbank are fantastic preparation for the shelf exams that follow each rotation. The library is a fantastic resource to use when looking up quick facts or treatments for various pathologies, and the qbank questions were extremely similar to the shelf material and provided fantastic explanations.
AMBOSS has truly changed the game for my studying. Even as a beginning medical student with little experience using medical jargon, I found the articles much easier to digest than reading assigned texts/UpToDate. Being a third year medical student on clinical rotations, I now find myself using AMBOSS frequently to look up helpful insights and management plans for various diagnoses. Attendings are always impressed at the level of insight I'm able to quickly gain from the AMBOSS articles.
AMBOSS is probably one of my favorite resources in med school. I love the user-friendly interphase and the integration between the library and the Qbank. It eliminates the need to look up information when I do review my practice questions because everything is well integrated. As an anki user as well, I use the AMBOSS add-on all the time which is very helpful. I've been using AMBOSS since the beginning of med school and I still do now as a third year and I feel like it has made my studying more effective.
I have yet to find a more comprehensive and preclinical-oriented resource than the AMBOSS Knowledge App. I have it on my phone, my iPad, and saved on my desktop. It is the first place I go when I have a question, and there is always a perfect amount of information for my purposes, as well as some study tips and pneumonics. If you need a reliable one-stop-shop for preclinical knowledge, you can stop looking and just download the AMBOSS Knowledge App!
Amboss has become my go-to resource for finding information on a topic that is to-the-point and relevant for what I am learning in my studies. It's easy to navigate and the information is always high yield.
It has helped me so much in my courses the quality of practice questions is amazing and how it is essentially a google for medschool.
It's an honor to be able to care for patients. In the clinic that care involves a team working towards a common goal. At the moment, I need a team that helps me study for standardized exams. So I'm grateful for the help AMBOSS has provided from content developers, to customer service and everybody in between.
In short, AMBOSS has made studying efficient. As a clinical medical student, it’s hard to devote time to multiple different recourses. The nice thing about AMBOSS is that its all right there!
I used the Surgery QBank to take my Surgery Shelf exam last Friday and I found it to be very helpful as a learning tool--many random bits of information and knowledge that the Surgery exam loves and textbooks don't teach.
AMBOSS has really elevated my study game. The succinct and effective way that information is presented in the articles, followed by the associated Qbank is an effective tool in learning and retaining the information you need to know.
AMBOSS has been a my go to resource for Step and Comlex practice. I love how the website and app are easy to navigate and has become my go to resource for clinical rotations.
The NBME Step exams largely tests clinical deductive reasoning, and AMBOSS is the only exam prep resource that emphasizes this type of training. The learning cards represent the greatest strength of AMBOSS, and these are integrated seamlessly with the questions. The material is not regurgitated from other test prep resources, and is curated from the most recent primary articles - all of this makes it so easy to appreciate new aspects of pathophysiology and clinical medicine you would not get elsewhere. I highly recommend AMBOSS to complement students' learning throughout MS1-4 as it will help students excel in all classes, let alone on the NBME Step!
And the students who are doing all of their clinical/pre-clinical work with this resource [amboss] are so lucky, they have no idea how much better this is than the options before it.
Transitioning from MS2 to MS3 is colossally overwhelming. AMBOSS clerkship guides provides a structured and tailored approach for tackling clinical rotations. AMBOSS makes this new challenge very manageable by providing me the tools of one-stop shop of medical knowledge and high-yield information for the task at hand. I started off with surgery rotation which is no walk in the park and having AMBOSS clerkship articles and Q bank has been very beneficial in staying on top of my work and feeling prepared for test day.
“AMBOSS is the resource that we’ve been waiting for -- its integrated platform helped me study smarter and set a new personal best.”
Amboss was truly a game changer for me! I noticed how much more comfortable I am with topics I read on Amboss compared to topics I studied elsewhere. I attribute the success I've had with using Amboss to the level of organization in the articles and how well they correspond with the Qbank. I do not deny that there are so many great resources out there, but Amboss is unique among them in that it is a one-stop shop.
AMBOSS is a great learning tool. The combination of a high quality question bank linked to relevant, concise learning materials makes the test prep process easy.
AMBOSS is an extremely helpful medical search engine that every medical professional should use not just medical students. Its like Google but for any medical question you may have. The AMBOSS-add on on Anki makes using Google entirely unnecessary as you have all the information you need to search with AMBOSS.
I used AMBOSS to study for Step 1 mainly, even though I took COMLEX as well. I also use AMBOSS to help me find info that is on the tip of my tongue and during clinical rotations. It's an amazing resource and definitely another necessary tool for anyone in medicine.
Amboss has revolutionized my study efficiency. Especially since I found the ANKI add-on, I can directly look up unknown content from my ANKI cards without having to leave the app. I love that you can customize the app to any upcoming in-house exams by tagging specific topics and questions appropriate for your studies.
Amboss is my primary question bank and it has an extensive library to study from. Other programs generally only have one or the other, not both. Additionally, the question bank is designed to where you can give yourself hints, or practice without, thus helping one realize what clues they weren’t picking up on in the original text without completely giving away the answer to the question.
I needed to find a way to study in the hospital without lugging around books, so a friend suggested AMBOSS.It has proved to be very useful both for studying and reference on the wards. The app is easy to navigate and I'm able to find relevant clinical information quickly. I especially like the dialogue boxes that give further explanation, pictures, and links to related topics. Everything is interwoven beautifully. It reduces the need to look at many different sources. For example, when I had a pediatric patient with a rash I was able to review pictures of rashes, develop a differential diagnosis, and consider testing and treatment options before presenting to the attending.
I really love the Amboss knowledge and Qbank. I use the app daily, before and after seeing my patients. Especially the management aspects. It’s quick to review management without much scrolling. I get most of the information : specifically, what orders I should place in that particular patient's case. As an intern, it is great info to refresh my memory. I found it to be a trusted resource and uptodate as well, as per new guidelines. I really like the qbank too. However, since I am in residency training, I am don't really use it much.